DirectAdmin Support on forum, where are you?


Verified User
Sep 10, 2003

We noticed that John isn't on the forum anymore since a cupple of weeks. We thought it may be his vacations but seems not! Also, CP updates are kinda slow to happen.

What is going on?

I don't want to speak for John, but since he may not read your post in a timely manner, I thought I'd post what I know, and from my point of view:

DA does not consider the forums to be an official support venue, though there may be some links to it that give the opposite impression.

The DA staff is small, and doesn't have as much time to read the forums as most of us.

Support requests to DA support do get handled, for clients entitled to DA support as part of their license(s), in a very timely manner. Since we're entitled to support, I can't speak for support to those who's licenses don't include it.

What do you mean by CP updates? Do you mean actuall issuing of the updates, or getting installed on your server once they're issued?

If the former, then I'd suppose that the DA company may have decided, as I have, that it's better to issue updates a bit less often, with more features, than to have continuous updates.

The more often a product is updated, the more folk tend to think of it as unstable.

If the latter, then you may not have realized that updates are no longer "pushed" to servers; you have to click on "update" manually.

Thanks for your comments.

I was only checking if there was something wrong with John.

All my servers are updated. However, I know we had 1 update per 2 weeks for example a cupple of months ago and now they seems to be less frequent.

Was only checking :)