Directadmin Technicians IP addresses to whitelist?


Verified User
Sep 20, 2015
Where can I find all ips related to Directadmin support team so I can whitelist in my firewall?
I think not so good idea how to deal with updates/changes then? ;)

The same way every website and every body on this earth do with cpanel servers :)

ofcourse we need to whitelist ips of technicians , I have been doing it for the last 15 years or so with cpanel
what makes it different with directadmin?
The same way every website and every body on this earth do with cpanel servers :)

ofcourse we need to whitelist ips of technicians , I have been doing it for the last 15 years or so with cpanel
what makes it different with directadmin?

What if only one ip / technician has gone or has become bad, most of the time they don't let others know about such things if someone left or fired!

So only pointing out my opinion about probable insecure / less secure behavour! ;)

If not automated update after breach or update / change it is not so good idea ?

This is more then only ips' at cpanel ?!?

You will receive a unique public SSH key for each server for which you submit information. You will also receive a list of cPanel Support-sanctioned IP addresses:
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What if only one ip / technician has gone or has become bad, most of the time they don't let others know about such things if someone left or fired!

So only pointing out my opinion about probable insecure / less secure behavour! ;)

If not automated update after breach or update / change it is not so good idea ?

This is more then only ips' at cpanel ?!?

You did not understand my point at all.

i did also post a quote from cpanel themselves for having your box ready for cpanel support technicians , so it is not about only whitelisting ip's

And beside that i did give my 5 cents .

LOL what are you talking about?#$#%#
LOL what are you talking about?#$#%#

this at their site

IP 's themselves are changing much faster an more frequently then 15 years ago also IPV6 ??? ;)

BOXES with only IPv4 are way to old , not modern enough for some years now. ( IF for public webaccess )

so per ticket or support moment you see what they need, normally not that much support needed, so on a support event base to have white list ip/s/ and authentication is much much more safer.
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this at their site

IP 's themselves are changing much faster an more frequently then 15 years ago also IPV6 ??? ;)

BOXES with only IPv4 are way to old , not modern enough for some years now. ( IF for public webaccess )

so per ticket or support moment you see what they need, normally not that much support needed, so on a support event base to have white list ip/s/ and authentication is much much more safer.

They use VPN so hardly ips change :) All my servers are restricted to my ip too.