Directadmin times out after creating a user


Verified User
Jul 16, 2004
After creating a new user, the browser times out with the following message:
Your connection has timed out


Either your request was invalid or the program hasn't completed your request.
Please notify the server admin

This happens with reseller account aswel as the admin account in reseller modus.

It seems the user.conf file is not written and the user does not popup at the da console. Also the httpd server is not restarted is my guess.

This happens every time i try to add a user. After manually creating a user.conf, i am able to login with the user account. After restarting the httpd, i can also see the domain the user has.

Server: fedora core 2
After trying to restore the user.conf it seems that editing the user also gives the same problem....
I experienced this problem with a wrong license.
Make sure, your license mention the OS version you are using
I found the problem and solution myself:

The problem is: quota system hangs at the directadmin cronjob. then , when adding new user, the quotaset hangs and gives a timeout on the user. User.conf should be added manually and in the users.list. THen quotaon should be called, or user edit, and safe.

Solution: Update kernel version to most recent. It seems that fedora had problems with quota hanging