DirectAdmin v1.645 has been released

CustomBuild code has been cleaned up not to use geoipupdate, libmaxmind and lua compiled components.

What’s the reason for removing libmaxminddb? I used it to install to php maxminddb extension for example for Matomo. I can install it manually, just curious for the reasoning for removing a lot of software from CB.
This means the repo conf is messed up or something else?

Installing clamav...
Repository is listed more than once in the configuration
Error: Nothing to do
@xerox please open up a support ticket. In addition to some repo configuration issues you might have other repos that either provide customized or non functional clamav. This is something that needs to be resolved manually. The steps would be:
  1. Disable all additional yum repos
  2. Completely remove clamav
  3. Delete configuration file
  4. Install of reinstall clamav from system repositories
@Erulezz packages geoipupdate, libmaxmind and lua were no longer required as indirect dependencies for CustomBuild.
I haven't seen this yet in this topic;

Latest version of curl: OS
Installed version of curl: 7.85.0

cURL 7.85.0 to OS update is available.

./build curl doesn't do anything anymore to "update" to the OS version. While ./build clamav still exists to change it to OS version.

Also  :

Schermafbeelding 2022-11-26 om 12.40.42.png
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Reactions: fln
@fln, --tls-max 1.2 works (it was indeed also like you explained, small file worked fine, large files have error)
Thanks for the feedback, what curl (curl --version) and distro version (cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/debian_version) are you using?
./build curl doesn't do anything anymore to "update" to the OS version. While ./build clamav still exists to change it to OS version.
yes ./build update_versions should take care of migrating curl from locally built to OS version. There is no separate command for building curl anymore since it is no-op - it should be always available on all the systems.
Agreed, after update to 1.645 , it killed my clamd.scan and I need to remove it
Me too, we need to set the DA update channel / stage to "stable" and not "beta", to avoid future accidents such as this. Da -> Updates -> Update channel

yes ./build update_versions should take care of migrating curl from locally built to OS version. There is no separate command for building curl anymore since it is no-op - it should be always available on all the systems.
Thanks, that did it. I almost never use ./build update_versions ? I needed to add /usr/bin/ to my path because curl -V didn't work.

whereis curl

curl: /usr/bin/curl /usr/include/curl /usr/share/man/man1/curl.1.gz

Native CB plugin looks much better.
Which of the repos I should disable?

# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: copr, fastestmirror
Repository is listed more than once in the configuration
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * remi-safe:
 * updates:
repo id                                                                                       repo name                                                                                            status
!base/7/x86_64                                                                                CentOS-7 - Base                                                                                      9,933+139
!                                          Copr repo for restic owned by copart                                                                       3+3
!extras/7/x86_64                                                                              CentOS-7 - Extras                                                                                          515
!remi-safe                                                                                    Safe Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                                           214+4,858
!updates/7/x86_64                                                                             CentOS-7 - Updates                                                                                    4,327+58
repolist: 14,992
In last hotfix v1.645 CSF show white page. Only works after rebuild csf with custombuild. OS: CentOS 7
New server installation. I try 3 times, always show the same error.
What’s the reason for removing libmaxminddb? I used it to install to php maxminddb extension for example for Matomo. I can install it manually, just curious for the reasoning for removing a lot of software from CB.
bump up.
I have the same question.
Why did it disappear?
in custombuild 2.0

where is the log output when click "Update" button on "Update Software" page ?.
I think it should show log output like in the old plugin when execute command.
"[email protected]" something went wrong with Service Monitor, even service is working fine.

should add "exe:/usr/sbin/clamd" to "/etc/csf/csf.pignore"

Issued clamd@scan might be manual stop/start from "Service Monitor" to correct checking state of service. In now, it show running in monitor page.


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Since latest DA update to v1.645 and CB conversion of ClamAV we have an issue with Maldet using clamav scanner engine:

Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 maldet(60546): {scan} found clamav binary at /bin/clamdscan, using clamav scanner engine...
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 maldet(60546): {scan} scan of  (1 files) in progress...
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 maldet(60546): {scan} clamscan returned an error, check /usr/local/maldetect/logs/clamscan_log for details!

In clamscan_log:

Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan start
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 executed: /bin/nice -n 19 /bin/ionice -c2 -n 6 /bin/clamdscan --fdpass  --infected --no-summary -f /usr/local/maldetect/tmp/.find.60546
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan end return 2
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan end

Reinstall of Maldet did not help. Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this?
After last the direct admin can't be opened in PaleMoon (fork of FireFox).


Can someone please help to investigate the issue?
Can I downgrade to the previous version meanwhile?
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan start
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 executed: /bin/nice -n 19 /bin/ionice -c2 -n 6 /bin/clamdscan --fdpass  --infected --no-summary -f /usr/local/maldetect/tmp/.find.60546
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan end return 2
Nov 27 03:38:55 s04 clamscan end

As far I understand clamAV with return 2 can be something like clamav could not access file (and that is normal) and I'm not sure why maldet cannot handle that error code. What if you try to scan with clamav does it produce the same with return 2?

clamscan /PATH_TO_SCAN ;echo $?

PS: The only thing I don't like clamscan is, I still not able to whitelist all YARA signatures same as this post:

But when I use maldet, it can exclude their signatures.


Found solution for that, to exclude all YARA based signature, I need to omit the keyword YARA and UNOFFICIAL from the signature list

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Thanks for the feedback, what curl (curl --version) and distro version (cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/debian_version) are you using?
Debian 10.13 - Curl 7.64.0
Centos 8.5.2111 - Curl 7.61.1
@mmgenius thanks, did you have FTP upload problems on Debian 10 as well and adding --tls-max 1.2 fixed them?