DirectAdmin v1.646 has been released

I've identified a new issue with Manage User Packages.

When selecting the user packages and clicking the "Export" button, nothing happens and no errors are shown (the reseller packages are working).
The page "Custom Error Pages" also stopped working in DirectAdmin version 1646, opening only a blank page.

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Wrong link phpmyadmin when Current access in custombuild page.

it should be
Last edited:
There is an update for Evolution (build d3158e3390559e3a6b3087859445166421a902fd), quick change-log:
  • Fixed "Custom Error Pages" section, thanks @paulonichio
  • Fixed reseller packages export, thanks @paulonichio
  • Fixed backup kill process name check, thanks @Jayjayuk
  • Fixed green lock icon in backups page, thanks @exlhost

@jamgames2 We were unable to reproduce the invalid phpmyadmin link issue. Please open support ticket.
I can't create support ticket. Due it license from datacenter.

maybe just access sub directory url like "/admin/custombuild", then phpmyadmin link will be "/admin/phpmyadmin"

if on "/" url, phpmyadmin link is fine.
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Thanks for clarification @jamgames2, an update (build 0ba485c2404333a24615b73f7525a7864bfcee48) is released with the following fixes:
  • Fixed evolution PHPMyAdmin link from the menu, thanks @jamgames2
  • Fixed missing redis menu entry
  • Fixed apache build with CloutLinux patches
Small Evolution skin update (build 4c1ce354769edcc8e41673bf5d414bfa4cb78c6a):
  • Improved Evolution logout, when session times out evolution stops checking if the session still active.
  • Blocking new integrated CustomBuild GUI with never_commands would automatically hide it from the menu, without this fix CB would be visible in menu but non-functional.
I want to convey the rays of hatred to the author of the v1.646 update, which came on Friday evening when I was drinking beer. The mail on three servers is broken!

It broke exim, because the hostlist relay_hosts was configured in exim by default (moreover, by DirectAdmin itself, not manually), and when removing relay_hosts support, no one thought of fixing these configurations automatically. EXIM worked, but the emails stopped going both ways. It took a while to figure out what the problem was and how to fix it.
hostlist relay_hosts=net-lsearch;/etc/virtual/pophosts

Also changed the className from ".MainMenu" to ".main-menu" again, we had to redo the CSS customization. Tell me, was changing the character case and removing the hyphen in the name so critically necessary? I spent a lot of time because you just had to rename the tag.

Disgusting. The automatic update worked well at first. But now there are more and more problems with automatic updates. Apparently, there is no testing on real installations of the product.
I updated Awstats this morning, the log shows as
2023/01/25 05:45:31  info executing task            task=action=directadmin&value=reload
AWstats 7.9 installation is done.

When I check a stats page, it still shows as version 7.8. Anyone else seeing this?
Advanced Web Statistics 7.8 (build 20200416) - Created by awstats
An update (build 1e41a5311372d2ce3a4ec360f7c399e2e39635ab) with:
  • Evolution fix for E-mail Filters missing add new mail option on first load
  • CustomBuild fix to re-download CloudLinux versions file on ./build update
Updated on 1 server, just with only ./build update_versions and directoy got this notice
Another instance of custombuild (pid12366) is holding the lock on /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/.custombuild.lock. exiting
however the update still went without issues.

Why this notice?
On mobile in the custombuild plugin Dashboard / CustomBuild / Actions
It is missing the buttons to run any of them.
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May I ask about the download speed of DA?
I remember previous versions of DA with very fast compression and download speeds of more than 50Mbps.
As of recent new updates, it's only 600.38 Kbps.
What issues affect such slow download speed can you point me out?