DirectAdmin v1.646 has been released

I am completely up to date on DA versions and I just compressed and downloaded a 150 MB file in less than 10 seconds. Pretty sure the only thing slowing it down would be my local network that caps a single connection connection at around 200 MB per second.
I updated Awstats this morning, the log shows as
2023/01/25 05:45:31  info executing task            task=action=directadmin&value=reload
AWstats 7.9 installation is done.

When I check a stats page, it still shows as version 7.8. Anyone else seeing this?
Advanced Web Statistics 7.8 (build 20200416) - Created by awstats
I am completely up to date on DA versions and I just compressed and downloaded a 150 MB file in less than 10 seconds. Pretty sure the only thing slowing it down would be my local network that caps a single connection connection at around 200 MB per second.
Could you please guide me in detail?
Could you please guide me in detail?
I am only pointing out that nothing has changed on my end in terms of DA compressing and download speed. I suspect your slowdown may be unique to your set up (internet connections, server)
Thanks @BillyS.
I'm not sure as I've been using DA for almost 1 year.
And I always leave the default configuration.
I remember I didn't change the server and internet connection settings.
My home internet is still fine.
Can you tell me in detail how to set up the internet connection and how to get the DA to load faster?
Small update (build 4029bce33c0dbe90944ad37f25f645ed91065bc0) fixes the DA installer on CloudLinux systems failing to build mod_lsapi. For existing installations it has no effect.
I know how to fix license issued, but I can't use my home PC in now. I'm so shocking haha.
Licensing errors are not caused by the update. At around 05:00 - 05:30 UTC today, we had an outage in the licensing subsystem. It affected some of the DA servers. If you were affected by it - please just restart the service with systemctl restart directadmin command. We are very sorry for the inconvenience ?‍♂️ and working on how to ensure it would not happen again.
Looks like the Usage Log stopped populating when the License Check failure occurred. Just a heads up in case your customers notice.
Thanks for clarification, I assumed accidental leftover from old times. For anyone using pophosts feature - the feature is removed in 1.646 release. DA 1.646 will not update this file anymore.
My Exim still seems to want the /etc/virtual/pophosts file to exist, and it breaks when the file is deleted (will not accept emails coming in by SMTP). Apparently DA auto-updated itself this night:

A new message or response with subject:

DirectAdmin has been updated to v1.646 hotfix

This happened at 03:29 and I assume it deleted the /etc/virtual/pophosts file in the middle of the night, breaking inbound mail acceptance:

exim paniclog /var/log/exim/paniclog on XXX has non-zero size, mail system might be broken. The last 10 lines are quoted below.

2023-01-30 04:07:55 failed to open /etc/virtual/pophosts for linear search: No such file or directory
2023-01-30 04:18:18 failed to open /etc/virtual/pophosts for linear search: No such file or directory
2023-01-30 04:21:19 failed to open /etc/virtual/pophosts for linear search: No such file or directory
2023-01-30 05:28:14 failed to open /etc/virtual/pophosts for linear search: No such file or directory
2023-01-30 05:47:51 failed to open /etc/virtual/pophosts for linear search: No such file or directory

This seems a bit strange because I don't want auto-updates and don't have them enabled:

# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin config-get autoupdate

I did a "/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build all" so I should have the newest Exim. It seems a DA autoupdate (while I have this disabled) deletes the pophosts file. As a hack, I now have a cronjob to put an empty file there. Is there a change that we manually have to make to Exim config?
On Almalinux 8+9 that file is not present but its there on Centos 7 on our servers.
I must admit we dont update Centos 7 server to 1.645 or later because we dont want use the old curl.
We run 2 servers with Centos 7, both upgraded to 1.646 and we don't have any /etc/virtual/pophosts files anymore and no issues either.
Anyone else having multiple update messages during multiple days of the same update? See attached...
This issue has been bothering me since update "v1.644 hotfix". Since then... it seems to update multiple times. I've got multiple servers running Directadmin, they all have the exact same problem.

An update should only be done ONCE right?


  • Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 10.52.17.png
    Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 10.52.17.png
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