DirectAdmin v1.650 has been released

Which still doesn't supress the message about OS Updates, doesn't hide the update button from DA.
By the way, your method doesn't show which packages (OS Updates) are available... so that trick doesn't really help either if it's about updating packages which are under OS Updates (repositories (Yum/Apt etc)).
I guess I misunderstood the issue then.

I thought the issue was, admins were getting daily emails telling them what software had updates and this person was wanting to exclude OS update packages (yum/apt/etc) from being in that list.

My suggestion was to "script it yourself" utilizing the tools provided by DirectAdmin. Yes, you still have to parse the JSON output prior to scripting it to send you an email. But the point was you can give yourself more control of what you're actually notified of. I suppose I didn't address that you'd have to disable whatever system control is sending the original email.

While I'm not opposed to DirectAdmin (and other control panels) sending notifications like the original message, you really can't expect them to have an answer for every single conceivable customization of that message. "I don't want to receive messages about Apache needing an update", "I don't want to receive a message about every PHP version needing an update", "I don't care about phpMyAdmin having an update". At some point, if you don't want to receive messages about some of those item, then you have to take the bull by the horns and script your own solution. Otherwise the DirectAdmin developers are going to be spending all of their time resolving every single minor detail that gets brought up.
@sparek Receiving notifications about Apache, Exim, Dovecot, PHP etc. isn't the issue with the people I talk about. There's no risk for them to update those packages at all. But the notifications are also sent and shown in case of OS Updates (yum/apt etc) only. And it's impossible to suppress this or even deactivate/hide the button to avoid installing the available OS Updates.

As long as the OS isn't updated, the notifications are sent and the button is still available in DA. Which in the end (in case of customization) can cause (a lot of) issues. By supressing OS Updates and hiding that from DA, it can not be installed by people without any knowledge.

Sure, it's possible to tell those people not to access the admin-account, but it's their server (or at least a server they lease).

At some point, if you don't want to receive messages about some of those item, then you have to take the bull by the horns and script your own solution.
That's great but impossible because OS updates are forced. Forced with notifications in DA and by e-mail as well as with the button shown in DA. The only workaround for that is to delete the entire DirectAdmin Cronjobs to avoid receiving updates and not sending notifications, both inside and outside DA.

Besides that, I don't think it's up to DA clients to fix problems caused by DirectAdmin that they (clients) never opted for. First, customers get things pushed to their throats and then they have to find solutions to get them resolved.

As we always say "Shoemaker stick to your last" which means, do what your supposed to do and paid for to do and if you do plan to offer extra things... offer it in a way that people can choose if they would like to use it. It's a hosting control panel, not a server maintenance panel or anything like that.
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I guess I misunderstood the issue then.

I thought the issue was, admins were getting daily emails telling them what software had updates and this person was wanting to exclude OS update packages (yum/apt/etc) from being in that list.
According to apt-get, I'm all up to date, but Custombuild states there is 1 update available, which is, in fact kept back.....

System packages  to 1 upgradable packages update is available.
I see there is a new update available for DA v1.650 on stable channel: 52678911da3c51d7e7ad9f56bac5511b77e01e98. Where can I look for the changes in this release?
@Remco00, last update just bumps CustomBuild versions, no other changes:
  • `mod_lsapi` updated to `1.1-68`
  • `redis` updated to `7.0.12`
  • `PHP 8.1` updated to `8.1.21`
  • `PHP 8.0` updated to `8.0.29`
  • `PHP 8.2` updated to `8.2.8`
I've just checked again, and the issue with Imagemagick not updating all PHP-versions still exists:

[root@da1 ~]# da build versions | grep available
System packages  to 16 upgradable packages update is available.
ImageMagick 7.1.1-12 to 7.1.1-15 update is available.
WP-CLI 2.7.1 to 2.8.1 update is available.
PHP 8.1 8.1.21 to 8.1.22 update is available.
imagick PHP 7.4 extension 3.7.0 (linked with old ImageMagick) to 3.7.0 update is available.
If you want to update all the available versions run: da build update_versions

[root@da1 ~]# grep _release= /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf

[root@da1 ~]# da build update_versions
imagick PHP extension has been installed successfully.

[root@da1 ~]# da build versions | grep available
System packages  to 16 upgradable packages update is available.
imagick PHP 8.2 extension 3.7.0 (linked with old ImageMagick) to 3.7.0 update is available.
If you want to update all the available versions run: da build update_versions
yes, @SanderJ, this is expected behaviour, running da build update_version will recompile imagick PHP extension.
Hi @fln,

maybe my example wasn't clear,. In this case the first time
da build update_version
did not compile php 8.2. Only the other PHP version on this server. It looks like only PHP-versions that also have an pending update are being rebuild when ImageMagick is updated.

To ways to manually resolve this:

  • Run
    da build update_version
  • Run
    da build php n
    after updating ImageMagick
With the expected behaviour php 8.2 should have been rebuild the first time with
da build update_version
Please use the correct commands for people reading this now or at a later point.
It's not:
da build update_version
because that won't do anything.
it's either:
da build update_versions
or in the custombuild directory:
./build update_versions
so versions, not version.
maybe my example wasn't clear,. In this case the first time
Are you also using the "current" channel?
On a Debian 11 VPS, where php had no updates and all 3 php versions were rebuild after updating imagick today.

I thought the same on a dedi with Alma 8 yesterday, but there it was done during installation so logically.
in symlink or directory mode, please?
Via SSH ofcourse.
cd /home/user/domains/
and then issue the command
ls -la
and it would show someting like:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 13 Jul 5 2018 private_html -> ./public_html
normally it's symlinked by default.
I know how to check if it's a symlink or not. The reason I posted in this thread specifically is that in this version, there is a change: Option to migrate domain to private_html symlink. That's why I wonder if there is any configuration in DA to separate the directory and the symlink mode. And if there is something, it might affect to how symlink works, somehow.
Are you also using the "current" channel?
On a Debian 11 VPS, where php had no updates and all 3 php versions were rebuild after updating imagick today.

I thought the same on a dedi with Alma 8 yesterday, but there it was done during installation so logically.

Yes, all our servers use the "current" channel.