DirectAdmin v1.652 has been released

Also after update on few old servers with centos7:
CSF menu not working with error:
Security Error: Invalid parent
Information saved to [/var/lib/csf/da1692686967.error]
File csf.da.skip exists created more than year ago, looks like restart DA solved problem.
22-08-2023 09-52-39.jpg
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DNS expanding is causing serious issues. Restoring Office 365 will not work. At least not on Debian 11 but I guess on all systems.

On restoring a user with MS365 installed I get this, probably related to what @BuGoFf reported.
DNS: Error writing db file for : Unable to save dns zone: named-checkzone returned:
loading "" from "/etc/bind/" class "IN"
dns_rdata_fromtext: /etc/bind/ near '': extra input text
dns_rdata_fromtext: /etc/bind/ near '': extra input text
zone loading from master file /etc/bind/ failed: extra input text
zone not loaded due to errors.

Then a lot of other code and ending with this (multiple users with office 365 and same problem):

Merge DB File issue, restoring to (restore to ip)
the result is that the domain is written, but all DNS values are set to default, so the external MX settings are gone. But current server as mailserver is deselected to so no mail anyway.

With every account with MS365 as mail (maybe others). We were just moving servers so a quick fix of this would be very appreciated.
I have similar issue with Brave browser. It's not always happening, but many times, for example, searching for an user or any function, the page keeps loading without showing result. After refreshing the page, then the search is working again.
I have had this issue with Brave + DirectAdmin GUI for a long time, it's not specific to 1.652, but many times, we need to refresh for the section/app/icon to actually load.
I have had this issue with Brave + DirectAdmin GUI for a long time, it's not specific to 1.652, but many times, we need to refresh for the section/app/icon to actually load.
Can confirm, this is a known issue due to internal changes.
It is planned to be fixed in the upcoming releases, either 1.653 or 1.654.
How about the DNS MS365 record restore bug, will that be a hotfix? Or do we also have to wait with transfers until 1.653?
This does not seem to be exclusive to MS365 restore, this looks to be related to expanded DNS records bug, not working correctly with trailing white spaces.
A 1.652 hotfix will soon be released to resolve the issue.
Not sure when this started to happen, but when I look at the Usage Log, and try to view the Full Log, I only see 60 rows. In fact, these are the first 60 rows of the log. Anyone else seeing this recently?
This really is a bug, the Usage Log, Tail works, Full Log does not show the full log it's actually quite random in terms of the number of rows it shows. And if you switch domains using the selector at the top of the page, it changes the "View Usage for..." title above the log but doesn't actually change the log you are viewing. I realize this is a very minor bug, but it is a bug non-the-less. Wrong is wrong...
You release a hotfix to fix... whatever. But you still didn't fix the roundcube install URL.

I must be invisible on here.
Is the hotfix already released yet then?
That's always a good question, because there's really no documentation for any of these "hotfixes"

My 1.652 server was using 38bc2f3c459cd66473b5787f190787d46f4a7030 and today (actually I think it was there yesterday) there's an update using 09894e5e75bd47a69827dd5e5c24de5b24759b16.

Again, no clue what this "hotfix" fixes. But it didn't fix CustomBuild to use the correct Roundcube URL. Which I pointed out 9 days ago.
Seems DNS issue fixed, but it's not fixed yet, on restore still strange things happen. When I change my ns2 A record for example on my domain, then my pointers will suddenly get ns2 A records with their domain name.
Also when I change my ns2 NS record, then suddenly my pointers also get NS records with their own name, while they never had NS records.

I can't delete the NS records from my pointer, have to add the good ones first.
But if I do that, I get an error because there are no A or AAA records for ns1, which is logically because this is only a pointer, this should not have any A or AAA records for NS. It should (like a customer domain) only have NS records from my nameserver and nothing more.

Restoring MS365 records and maybe other DNS records are fixed, but this is still not as should be.

@sewiti this is a bad fix, when changing DNs records it changes pointer records the wrong way.
Can't add or remove anything, that will give errors.

You can verify and test fixes with my temporary VPS. Access in the ticket.
Ticket #51224
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Must have been an enormous hickup of the VPS. I tried again today and everything working as designed, except the ipv6 is not added to the spf record yet. Not sure if that is a vps issue or something else.
That may be what's suppose to be true, but doesn't appear to be true in practice

# /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build roundcube

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Download of failed, re-downloading the file...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Download of failed, re-downloading the file...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Download of failed, re-downloading the file...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Download of failed, re-downloading the file...
Download of failed 4 times, exiting...

# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.652 38bc2f3c459cd66473b5787f190787d46f4a7030

If what you say is true, then it would seem that CustomBuild didn't get the memo.

Try running
da build roundcube
# or
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin build roundcube

It sounds like you are running an older version of DirectAdmin, try updating.
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@sewiti 1 issues confirmed by reverting to 1.651.
The ipv6 records are not added in SPF while in 1.651 they are.

Also it seems Exim and softaculous are using ip 2 as primary ip now, but I don't know if that is related to 1.652.
Try running
da build roundcube
# or
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin build roundcube

It sounds like you are running an older version of DirectAdmin, try updating.
Well... If you'll note the date of that particular post, that was August 16, 2023 - when I first pointed out that custombuild is still referring to a non-existent roundcube URL. On August 16, 2023 what was the latest version of DirectAdmin? In my post I note that I was using:

DirectAdmin v.1.652 38bc2f3c459cd66473b5787f190787d46f4a7030

DirectAdmin released a "hotfix" on August 24th:

DirectAdmin 1.652 build 38bc2f3c459cd66473b5787f190787d46f4a7030 to 1.652 build 09894e5e75bd47a69827dd5e5c24de5b24759b16 update is available.

What exactly is the latest version of DirectAdmin as of August 28, 2023?

Is it not 1.652 09894e5e75bd47a69827dd5e5c24de5b24759b16 ?

# date
Mon Aug 28 08:39:07 MDT 2023
# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v
DirectAdmin v.1.652 09894e5e75bd47a69827dd5e5c24de5b24759b16

If you will note, using DirectAdmin v.1.652 09894e5e75bd47a69827dd5e5c24de5b24759b16 and looking at line 2955 of /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build what do you see?

I see:


Is that right?

That's why it's pointing to the wrong download link.

If you want CustomBuild to download Roundcube directly from their github repository then this needs to be changed to:


See the attached patch that does this.

Part of the reason that I'm disgruntled with this is because I pointed this out on August 16th. It's a relatively simple fix as shown by my patch file. A new hotfix was released on August 24th, which is after August 16th. And the issue still persists. And now 12 days after I pointed this out, I'm being told that the reason I'm seeing this is because I'm using an old version of DirectAdmin - when the current version of DirectAdmin still doesn't have this fixed.

Am I wrong to be disgruntled?


  • custombuild_roundcube_fix.patch.txt
    778 bytes · Views: 0
# /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build version

As far as I know, the changes to the build script are part of DirectAdmin updates now. The build script only updates with DirectAdmin updates.

Used to be that CustomBuild build updates were separate from DirectAdmin updates. But that was changed some time ago. (And I'm not a fan of that change either)
I think you maybe have an old version of the CB script?

stat build

  File: build -> ../directadmin

Is it a symlink on your system? I can't find ROUNDUBE_DOWNLOADURL?

Downloads are now from Github:

./build roundcube

download_with_cache: downloading '' to '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/cache/roundcubemail-1.6.2-complete.tar.gz'