DirectAdmin v1.655 has been released

Thanks everyone, new update is released with the following changes:
  • No local backups message, will not mask other actions and will be shown only at the last step, thanks @Jayjayuk and @paulonichio for confirming
  • File Manager will use customized colors, thanks @paulonichio
  • Mobile menu will auto close on navigation action, thanks @exlhost
@fln what about http2 directive in new nginx?
We are not rushing with the change to keep templates compatible with older nginx versions. As soon as we update the templates to new format, latest nginx will stop showing the warnings but it will become impossible to downgrade to nginx versions that does not support new format.

It seems there are not big issues with latest nginx, so we might update the templates in the upcoming releases.
I already custom template on new http2 directive, But there have some template token that change directly from custombuild script like "IPs Link" function.

So I just sit and waiting update from DA Team.
One more update to DA 1.655 release is pushed out:
  • Exim no longer tries linking against iconv (same as in older DA versions), this avoids the compilation errors on systems that still have old custom iconv library files.
  • Default nginx version bump from 1.25.2 to 1.25.3.
There appears to be a formatting bug when browsing as a User. If you have multiple websites and you're in View Statistical Reports. If you use the navigation at the top of the page to switch between sites, the first time you switch the page is not formatted correctly. In this case I am using AWSTATS. You have to do a refresh to clear the formatting issue:
Screenshot 2023-10-28 070433.png
Does this version run DNS sync automatically sometimes? I have some customers running web on one server, mail on another server, but sharing 2 DNS servers. In the last few days, those DNS records are mixing without us to do anything.
@GoogieHost looks like all normal now, updated few days ago. You can always wait additional few days or stay on STABLE branch
I did update to 1.655 with cutsombuild but now I get de evo skin and can't login anymore.
I used the old-skool skin before.

If I go to the domain:2222 I get the old-skool skin. After login is accepted I'm redirected to the domain:2222/evo/ login screen with evo skin and login with the same admin login I keep getting the login page. Login with a false password gives a warning password isn't correct?

How do I login? Or get the old-skool skin back?

I'm totally lost here... :S

Grtz Erik
Which old-skool skin? Enhanced theme or the other one?
As far as I know only Enhanced and Evo are existing.

Try this.
Login via SSH, then go to your user account. If it's admin, then edit:
look if you have this:
change to:

Then clear your browser cache and see if you can login again with the Enhanced skin.

Also check if the /enhanced theme is still present in the /data/skins directory.
Which old-skool skin? Enhanced theme or the other one?
As far as I know only Enhanced and Evo are existing.

Try this.
Login via SSH, then go to your user account. If it's admin, then edit:
look if you have this:
change to:

Then clear your browser cache and see if you can login again with the Enhanced skin.

Also check if the /enhanced theme is still present in the /data/skins directory.
It's Enhanced, I call that one old-skool because I use it since my first website. many years ago :)

I tried your solution and it works, problem solved!
Leaves me with the question why it happened?

Lots of thanks! Was a little panic here :)
I call that one old-skool because I use it since my first website
I just asked because before, next to Enhanced there was an even older theme so I wasn't sure as to what you were using.

Why it happened? Might be something for @fln to look in to. Seems to me an upgrade bug as your account just shouldn't suddenly change from Enhanced to Evo without you doing that. Probably also causing the login issue, maybe related to this.

Anyway, glad to read this fixed it for you now. ;)
DA update does not touch user config files or settings, especially the default skin setting. My guess would be that you had:




Newer DA versions would not work with such configuration in user.conf. And upgrade just revealed this.
Newer DA versions would not work with such configuration in user.conf
That might be the case, but this caused him to keep getting the login page. Probably more users have it like this if this was working before.
Shouldn't there be some automatic fix or some warning then so they won't keep getting the login page as he did?
Removing the custom libiconv library would solve the issue. Following commands would completely remove it from the system:

rm -f /usr/local/include/{libcharset.h,localcharset.h,iconv.h}
rm -f /usr/local/lib/{libcharset,libiconv}*
rm -f /usr/local/bin/iconv
rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man*/iconv*
rm -f /usr/local/share/doc/iconv*
rm -f /usr/local/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/
Morning; Just tried this on Debian 11 since Exim and PHP 8.1 wouldn't compile after that build will fail with this new error though:

Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lMagickWand-7.Q16HDRI -lMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI
grep: /usr/local/lib/ No such file or directory
/bin/sed: can't read /usr/local/lib/ No such file or directory
libtool: link: `/usr/local/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
make: *** [Makefile:213:] Error 1
compile_pecl_package: failed to compile '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/cache/imagick-pecl-3.7.0.tgz' inside '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/tmp/tmp.eK757r16FP.imagick-pecl-3.7.0.tgz'
failed to compile imagick-3.7.0 for PHP 7.4
PHP 7.4 extension 'imagick' failed to be installed

Am I missing something here?
@tristan, it depends on how deep libiconv is used throughout the system. DA 1.656 has scripts for removing old libraries that could be linked against libiconv. I would recommend one of:

  • Update to current release channel DA 1.656 and remove old libraries.
  • Restore libiconv back and wait until DA 1.656 is released to stable and the clean-up the old libraries.
  • Restore libiconv back and remove only the headers, to keep the library but avoid new builds finding it.
  • Rebuild everything and hope there would be no old libraries linking back to libiconv.
You can restore old custom libiconv with:

cd /root
tar xf libiconv-1.17.tar.gz
cd libiconv-1.17
make install
cd /root
rm -rf libiconv-1.17.tar.gz libiconv-1.17

I will edit my old post with suggestion to completely remove iconv.
Thanks for the quick response, I was already at the current release channel on DA 1.656 yesterday though. This is a fairly default DirectAdmin nothing installed on top of the necessary apt package and with no custom folder in the custombuild dir so anything that's linked again old libraries is managed through DA.

Ah never mind, just found
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