DirectAdmin v1.667

Thanks @paulonichio, widget will be improved in DA 1.688.

EOL systems receives no updates, except for critical bugs. The upcoming DA 1.668 release is still compatible with RHEL7 and Debian 10 systems, so we might make exception and release it to EOL channel as the last supported version.
@ericosman. Most likely you have customized nginx configure script. Please check original configure script bundled with DA.

Checked, but i only made a custom after i found this error (the custom i added is: |?PROXY_PASS=http://`PROXY_IP`:`PORT_8080`|)

This :

  GNU nano 2.9.8                                                                      configure.nginx                                                                                

./configure --add-module=../modsecurity-nginx-v1.0.3 \
        "--user=nginx" \
        "--group=nginx" \
        "--prefix=/usr" \
        "--sbin-path=/usr/sbin" \
        "--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" \
        "--pid-path=/var/run/" \
        "--http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access_log" \
        "--error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error_log" \
        "--without-mail_imap_module" \
        "--without-mail_smtp_module" \
        "--with-http_ssl_module" \
        "--with-http_realip_module" \
        "--with-http_stub_status_module" \
        "--with-http_gzip_static_module" \
        "--with-http_dav_module" \
        "--with-http_v2_module" \
        "--add-module=../ngx_cache_purge" \
        "--with-cc-opt='-D FD_SETSIZE=32768'"

i did find in cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/nginx_reverse/configue.ngix

Dont know why, maybe because i use OPSSHIELD(?) but they say it should not give problems with this update.
The new update from v1.667 to v1.668 just got pushed to stable. But when I run da update, it updates to v1.669 (current) and not v1.668 (stable)