Directadmin web admin problem 2222


Verified User
Sep 18, 2006
Hi All,

Ok my DA server has been fine until I recently changed host (again.. long story) and got a new IP.

But here is the thing.. I went through the usual ip change procedures (have done this before without problems) and everything appears to work fine, all websites and email are certainly fine.

The problem is that DA service runs with no errors but I can not see the web admin via newip:2222

Just to be sure I set hosts.allow to be 2222:ALL (I think I can specify ports this way?)

When testing on the box as below:

[root@host01 root]# telnet localhost 2222
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

I have restarted server, restarted all services, double checked the license IP is ok and that the nic has all correct details.

BUT when doing netstat port 2222 is not there!?

Does anyone have any ideas on this please? Any suggestions would be apprectiated.
Did you changed IP for the license ? You must write to DA staff to change it...
That would be the bit where I said
double checked the license IP is ok
:) so yes. Also the directadmin log says it started fine, and directadmin shows up on pstree

I have changed IP of my server twice before without any issues so do not understand what is wrong this time. Also all domains and dns resolve to the new IP.

E.g. domain
[root@host01 root]# service directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

[root@host01 root]# tail -f /var/log/directadmin/system.log
2007:06:24-18:01:05: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2007:06:24-18:01:05: Clean shutdown successful
True.. and yet no errors and pstree shows:

[root@host01 root]# pstree

Does anyone have any ideas please?
Perhaps a different log file will help if so which one?
Also when I try the below it seems to just hang:

[root@host01 directadmin]# /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin
DirectAdmin 1.29.7
Accepting Connections on port 2222

I think it is meant to carry on or perhaps at least return to command prompt which it does not and also doesn't start directadmin.
What is the ip address and I will see if I can connect to it.
I agree with DA Support that there is a firewall between the server and the public that is blocking port 2222. I cannot connect to it either so its not your personal firewall. From the server you have already shown that it is listening and answering to port 2222 but we cannot get to it from the outside. So either the firewall on the server or a firewall just outside the server is blocking port 2222. You may have to ask the data center where the server is housed.

C:\>telnet 2222
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 2222: Connect failed
Ok.. very frustrating, my host put my server behind a firewall without telling me! thank you very much for your help guys :) I have now sorted the issue.
Also when I try the below it seems to just hang

I think it is meant to carry on or perhaps at least return to command prompt which it does not and also doesn't start directadmin.
If you start a deamon from a command line it generally looks like it's hanging. It's meant to be started by a script that runs it as a daemon.
