DirectAdmin with Wordpress 2.7 & 2.7.1


Verified User
Feb 16, 2009
Who else is having problems with the Wordpress automated upgrade facility built into WP 2.7? Wordpress runs in php, for those who may wonder.

Wordpress (all versions) works fine under DirectAdmin but for some reason completely blocks out this auto-upgrade feature. I found one other WP user who also has DA and he has the same problem.
Is this a compatibility problem between WP 2.7 and DA?
We run a Blog under DA/WP2.7.1 and that works fine except it is not possible to put the .htaccess file ANYWHERE in the directory tree without the Blog simply crashing off the net. DA lets us in to fix it and we ARE now at the latest Version of WP and available online - no sweat.
Should I ask my host to use the latest version of DA? The version is not indicated on my DA Homepage/File Manager. Should I assume my host is using the latest version?
Who else is using DA with Wordpress and is/was this a problem?
Please, Rai
DirectAdmin has nothing to do with WordPress or the auto upgrade feature of WordPress.
Thank You, Floyd,

I was aware of that but my question relates to a DA shortcoming revealed by WP 2.7. Since I posted above I have also found that my public_html Folder has permissions set at 711 and this I cannot change in DA !!
Since my problem seems to converge on 'permissions', is it possible that the interactions of DirectAdmin and apache are controlling the 'permissions' on my public_html Folder? Also, is this a feature of DA or should I go now and ask my Host specifically to (temporarily?) relax the permissions on my public_html Folder while I am attempting WordPress automated Upgrades?

You probably know DA well enough to offer a suggestion on this?

Raidie :)
Many Thanks, GXX !

I'll have a lil whisper in my Host's shell pink ear . . .

at first
ut! Further to my last . .

GXX says "my public_html directories (plural) are set to 755

The directories I have below (behind - under - "sub to public_html") are 755 too but I am talking about the actual Directory Folder named public_html.

And I only have ONE public_html Directory. Currently only one domain too.

It has a lil red arrow on it and it's set to 711 and won't change. I will chat with my host about that but the actual 'syntax' in your comment GXX is ambiguous.
Thank You, Floyd,

I was aware of that but my question relates to a DA shortcoming revealed by WP 2.7.

Umm NO. Its not a DA shortcoming. If anything its a WordPress shortcoming. But most likely its your shortcoming because you have probably not followed directions.

Since I posted above I have also found that my public_html Folder has permissions set at 711 and this I cannot change in DA !!

Yes you can. You can do this through the DA File Manager or your own ftp software.

Since my problem seems to converge on 'permissions', is it possible that the interactions of DirectAdmin and apache are controlling the 'permissions' on my public_html Folder?

DA only configures apache. Apache has nothing to do with permissions.

Also, is this a feature of DA or should I go now and ask my Host specifically to (temporarily?) relax the permissions on my public_html Folder while I am attempting WordPress automated Upgrades?
You can control the permissions yourself as stated above.

It has a lil red arrow on it and it's set to 711 and won't change.

The little red arrow indicates that it is a symbolic link to the real public_html directory.

You have to navigate to the real public_html and change permission on it instead of the symbolic link.

If WordPress has to write to any files then the permissions on the folders and files have to be 777 or at least 766. I am sure that is in the WordPress instructions somewhere.
from the wordpress docs:

"WordPress permissions

All folder permissions should be set to 755. Files should be set to 644. Files that you want to edit in the WordPress Theme editor should be 666. Never use 777 for WordPress permissions – you’re letting all users on the server do whatever they want with your site. On a shared or badly configured server, that can mean trouble."

when i worked at y*hoo (many moons ago) simply typing
chmod 777
on any production server, would produce instant alert from
the paranoid team, probable loss of sudo access, or loss of
access completely. (FreeBSD only then of course, didn't
apply to WIndoze, but I think it's DeadRats now)

The wordpress upgrade plugin - an 'opensource' add-on is rather
pernickety in its view of folder permissions, file permissions,
folder ownership and file ownership.

If permissions are the problem in this case, there are only
a few permutations to cycle through and one will work,
otherwise, there's another different problem with the
upgrade plugin.

The plugin itself is PHP, so you can unzip it, and read
what it's doing. As Floyd says, it isn't really a DA problem,
and it isn't a DA-related plugin. There are lots of wordpress
forums where people have same problem, some are using DA,
some using cpanel, some using other hosting panel software
and some using none.
wooooHooo a nanser !!
Thank You squirrelhost (sp)
I appreciate your patience with my lack of knowledge and understanding.

Thank You Floyd - It's not simply a matter of being right, cos after all, we are all RIGHT but it tastes nicer when WE are nice.

You both provided insight. I am grateful. Some of what you each said I: already knew; had been told recently; had worked out for myself and; needed to be told.

huggles from tha angul Rai of Oz
If you really want to know what the issue is...

Make sure Safe Mode and Open BaseDir are set to off.

I use Wordpress for nearly all sites I create. Works wonders :)
Thank You Floyd - It's not simply a matter of being right, cos after all, we are all RIGHT but it tastes nicer when WE are nice.

Trying to figure out where I was not nice. :confused: I try to treat people like adults and not children.
Umm NO. Its not a DA shortcoming. If anything its a WordPress shortcoming. But most likely its your shortcoming because you have probably not followed directions.

He prolly didn't like that part :P

Still to give my 2 cents. I have no problems running wordpress on directadmin hence I never had problems with any software except streaming MP4 (what prolly has to do with CLI or some weird setting)

Like I love to say always:
RTFM (if you don't know what it means google it)
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