DirectAdmin wont inform about linux updates


Verified User
Jan 5, 2020
Hi the directadmin wont inform or cant auto update the linux centos?

Today after yum update 125 updates found and kernel update found to.

There is any way to change this?
No, Directadmin checks only own updates. You can check system updates by cron or with some monitoring tools like nagios
Cpanel do this!

Reading cPanel users complaints feels like they (users) are spoiled a bit, quite a few of them here don't even have understanding how certain Linux services work. I am almost sure, it is very tiny percentage of those, yet they are the most prominent ones. If you are comparing whole word to cPanel, I don't think it's world's problem. And while running a server, you gotta stay vigilant as hell, can't leave everything to control panel anyway.
Cpanel do this!
What you are doing is like eating Mexican food all your life. Then you made a choice to move to Germany and said schnitzel isn't food this ain't a taco... That answer is Correct it's not a Taco...but it is food.

Also as I moved from cpanel. You are just still working through the learning of what DirectAdmin is and is not. You also are still working through Kubler Ross Stages. You will be fine. Just adapt...
What you are doing is like eating Mexican food all your life. Then you made a choice to move to Germany and said schnitzel isn't food this ain't a taco...

Schnitzels are really good in Vienna (guess they originated there) (y) And you, as person representing Tennessee , took picture with a wrong drink ;)?

Now I feel like a cPanel user, because I didn't know what Kübler-Ross model is (I mean the name). These stages are applied to terminally ill patients, but I think cPanel users have much better chances (y)
I cant see the picture. I assume its Old number 7. If so I don't drink Alcohol actually never have in my life. I am a straight edge.

Well, this year I didn't drink alcohol as well. Kinda experiment. I don't think anything has changed. Added amount of anger perhaps :)
Well, this year I didn't drink alcohol as well. Kinda experiment. I don't think anything has changed. Added amount of anger perhaps :)
Proud of you. My dad was a drinker who broke me early. All the money I have saved as well...:oops: Maybe you are still in Maslow's Hierarchy ;)
Proud of you. My dad was a drinker who broke me early. All the money I have saved as well...:oops: Maybe you are still in Maslow's Hierarchy ;)

Thanks. You won't get me second time - about Maslow's pyramid I learned in 1998 :) I'm there, right on top. Aren't you?