Disable admin Custombuild access


Verified User
Apr 24, 2023
Hi there,

We've been having an increasing amount of our customers with Managed servers (re)compile server software, causing conflicts with our custom configurations.
Another issue we've experienced is where they would compile CSF and block our notification system.
For whatever reason they tend to do so in the middle of the night, resulting in our system administrators getting called out of bed for nothing.

In an attempt to combat these issues, we've had our management system remove the integrated Custombuild plugin, but it simply keeps coming back.
This issue is starting to make it impossible to manage customers' servers, and isn't just ruining the experience of using DirectAdmin for us, but also for our customers, as they end up with broken software and thus offline services.
I can't imagine our company is the only one suffering from these kinds issues with the integrated CB plugin.

Tools like this should, in my opinion, simply require the root password to be used, because after all, the admin user isn't a superuser.
Nevertheless, I fully understand that many people do enjoy the functionality provided by this plugin for admins, so my request will be slightly different than that.

Could there please be an option to disable admin-users' access to server-managing tools like Custombuild, if there isn't one yet?
If the option already exists, I'd like to know how to disable this, because so far my search hasn't yielded any results.

Thanks in advance for any responses, and ultimately for a solution!
if you just want to disabled all GUI UI interface, you can looking at "commands.deny" per Users control feature.


for globals
Thanks for the quick response! If there turn out to be any issues, I'll report back, but thank you so far! :)