Disable cronjobs an server info

i think you specify cronjobs and system info
when you create reseller packages.

leave those options unticked and they'll
have neither (same for all their users
they then create)
What squirrelhost writes about was added to a recent DA update; it may be necessary to update your DA install to the latest version to get this.

jlasman said:
What squirrelhost writes about was added to a recent DA update; it may be necessary to update your DA install to the latest version to get this.

I have more then 100 User's, I can't edit eitch user profile..
I edit the skin cronjobs.html and server_info.html to disable it but i'm looking for a better way.
could be a wasteful 6 lines in perl:

@files = system("find /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/ -name user.conf");
foreach $file (@files) {
system("perl -pi -e 's/cron=ON/cron=OFF/' $file");

save this as blah.pl on your servers, then as root:

perl blah.pl