Disable Local Mail Server by default


New member
Jun 30, 2010
Hello everyone,

I would like to disable the Local Mail Server option by default for one reseller-package as the client is using other mail software instead.

Right now he has to uncheck this option for every single domain.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance! :)
You can write a script to run after each site is created, which would check to see if the site's owner is created by either the reseller directly, or a user under that reseller, and if so make required changes to the DirectAdmin-managed files to switch the option. Then you could create a new skin to apply to that reseller and those clients only.

I don't recall all the changes you need to make, but I know you'd have to remove the domain name from the /etc/virtual/domains file and also make changes to the domain's mx record(s).

Perhaps some others will write with additional information.
