disable mod security for one directori


Verified User
Nov 29, 2005
Hi :

I have a costumer that get the following error

An appropriate representation of the requested resource
/phpMyAdmin/sql.php could not be found on this server.

This error is cause by mod_securtiy and how do I to not filter the /phpMyAdmin directory only ?
in the htaccess for that directory put
SecFilterEngine Off

you can probably add that same line in custom httpd config as well, not sure, should be able to though

Sounds like you are using wrong and old rules, delete whatever rules you have and get the latest ones from gotroot.com although I wouldnt use the rules.conf, just the jitp.conf and others
Wait, here is all the useful rules from gotroot rolled up into one. I noticed a lot of those were old, useless, and for cgi forums and such. I am constantly messing with mod security and such, you should be able to use these rules with the phpmyadmin, I do and it is a good idea to keep that protected as there is always new exploits for it


rename it to rulez.conf when you put it in your rules directory

Those are for apache 2 though, If you are using one get all the latest rules from gotroot, comment out what you dont need and use them