Disable named on Centos 7?


Verified User
Aug 16, 2009
I wish to disable named on my directadmin install, since I host dns offsite.
I found these old instructions for centos 5/6:

So I edited /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/services.status and set named for OFF.
I then stopped and disabled the named service:
systemctl stop named
systemctl disable named

But when I restart my vps, the named process gets restarted.

Looking at the previous instructions I was supposed to put a fake script for /etc/init.d/named, but centos 7 doesn't have that.. so I dont' know if directadmin is still forcing it to start?

Anyone have an idea how I can stop it from loading the named process?

In order to properly disable named you probably have to edit /etc/systemd/system/named.service.

I'm not sure how I would edit it to disable it properly.
According to the old documentation (link above) I was supposed to edit /etc/init.d/named
and replace it with this:
exit 0;

Therefor tricking directadmin that it still is "running" named when it's not.

But the new /etc/systemd/system/named.service is structured differently.

If anyone has an idea let me know.. otherwise maybe i'll just leave it running for now.