Disable Perl for users

Disabling PERL from using in a cron task would mean complete disabling PERL on your system. If the article http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=247 does not help you to achieve the desired, then you should either remove PERL from your server, or disable cron for users. Complete removing of PERL from a box is a bad idea because it will break a lot of services.

You should really use PAM limits (of course if you're running Linux OS), as it helps to protect from stiling of CPU, RAM from within the box and to protect against FORK bombs (checked myself today).

p.s. PERL does not care how PHP is installed on your server. They work independently.
I subscribe to the theory that anything is possible. So I believe you can make everyone who is allowed to run perl, for example, a member of a particular group, say perlusers. Then you set permissions on perl so it can only be run by members of that group.

Good suggestion, Jeff. I've missed this possibility. But, by the link http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=247 it's suggested setting apache group for perl binary, to allow run perl scripts from Apache. At the same time it should admitted, that with SuExec perl scripts as I suppose it to be, are executed from name of users. So somebody should test it, I think.

I subscribe to the theory that anything is possible.

Yes, for sure, you can carry water in a sieve provide you have enough patience.
Definitely test.

Of course if you put a cut piece of plastic wrap into the seive, ingenuity can beat patience :).

You can even light a match on a wet cake of soap. The match must have specific chemical structure of course. Use a potassium coating on the match; it will ignite when wet :D.

Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
