Disable smtp but not for webmail


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Hi all,

I don't want users to use their domain or my directadmin server for sending email (outgoing mailserver in their client)

Therefor i did the following :

touch /etc/virtual/domain.com/smtp_disabled

In exim.conf

deny condition = ${if exists{/etc/virtual/${sender_address_domain}/smtp_disabled} {yes}{no}}
message = $sender_address_domain not allowed to use smtp. 
authenticated = *

So if there is a file called smtp_disabled then he can't send mail trough my server.

The problem i have now is they also can't send mail trough webmail. How can i work around this?

I am using this construction because if a client desides to pay some extra i can remove the smtp_disabled file and he can use his domain as smtp outgoing server.

Hope someone has a solution.

Webmails are configured to send mails through SMTP on localhost; so you need to update their configs not to use it.
Hi thanks,

With squirrelmail i can send mail without any modifications. With roundcube not, very strange. I can't find out what to modify in de roundcube config.
OK, it seems roundcube to be able to use only SMTP. So if you don't care to count emails send through the webmail then you may set up a separate mail account on your server and use it in roundcube.
Thanks for your answer, i will setup a new account and write the login details to the roundcube config