Disaster Recovery Exercise


Verified User
Nov 18, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
I would like the ability to test our disaster recover procedures. I currently have only one licensed DA server.

I would like to do the following:

1). Build a new server in our lab
2). Install DA
3). Create our reseller account
4). Restore our nightly FTP backup
5). Confirm that all is well.
6). Smoke the server

Looking at the DA licensing options, it mentions that I need a public IP address. I noticed that they have internal-only licenses available. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions.
building a 'replica' server with any IP-specific
commercial software will require something
to be purchased.

DA itself only installs some software, which
you could set up yourself, and lets you
manage some files, which you could do manually,
so you can of course have everything running
on another server without DA, with a bit of work.

As you've only one server, I guess you're not
running any sort of hosting business, or at
least not taking things very seriously, so
the replica is just for your own interest ?
I'll contact DA sales about the internal use license and see what I can work out.

And for the record, we are a very small hosting company. We don't have the overhead currently to purchase multiple servers. We offer web hosting as a value add to our consulting customers.

And the replica would not be for "personal interest." It would be a real-world drill to determine what would happen if we have a major hardware failure. Hopefully running through this exercise would allow us to outline to procedure ahead of time.
Same here i've been thinking about DR projects and licensing.

As for squirrelhost comments well i think they should be deleted imo. I'm also a small hosting company just starting out so i can't aford the inital cost of buying multiple servers. I'm only hosting friends and local buisness website at the moment to start me off.
I don't think you understand what "internal license" means.

It means you use use the license in your data center on a server you rent to someone as a dedicated server.

Internal license servers, as all DA servers, require a public routable IP#.

If you have a public routable IP# you can get a one month rental license; surely us$29 isn't too much to spend to perfect your disaster scenario, is it?

But of course lack of a public IP# could be a problem.

We resolved the problem by getting our DSL with five routable IP#s. Both at my home and at the office.

At both locations we use one IP# for our internal network router, which leaves us with a total of eight routable IP#s we can use for testing, etc.
