DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin so far, coming soon!


Verified User
Aug 21, 2005
(update) DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin!

v.1.2.0 Stable

Hello DirectAdmin users and administrators,

After over a year of development, design, brainstorming and testing we are really excited to present a new skin for DirectAdmin that will literally blow you, your resellers and customers away. Our company has been in business for over 8 years based solely on DirectAdmin, so we understand the control panel real well and have been gathering many ideas to perfect it throughout these years. The skin's logo is customizable making it a white-label skin to offer to your customers. Cyberadmin is the culmination of all of these years of experience with the panel, we've also used other skins most of your are familiar with, and we believe now is the time to take your customers to a new level of hosting management with this creation.

Take a glimpse at all of the new features and beauty of this soon to be released skin (but keep reading below)

DEMO -> http://cyber1.cyberneticos.com:2222

PURCHASE CYBERADMIN LICENSES HERE -> https://clientes.cyberneticos.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=410

Once we receive your payment your licenses will be activated automátically and you will receive an email with download instructions.


Monthly - 4EUR
Yearly - 19EUR
Bienial - 29EUR
Trienial - 39EUR

To see how much euros are in your currency, please use http://www.xe.com


After your total licenses are 10 or more, you will be eligible for a distributor discount of 50% as long as you maintain 10 or more licenses concurrently active :)

We will not offer lifetime liceneses, since we have upto Trienial licenses for 39EUR (if you are a distributor, for a 3 year license you will only pay 13EUR, which we believe is a very good price for the amount of effort put into this panel, plus as DirectAdmin users ourselves that also have paid other licenses like Marina and Capri, we think it's a good price). Three years is a long time. Thanks for undertanding!

Once you reach 10 or more total licenses, all you need to do is send us an email asking for the distributor discount, which will be perpetual.


Please read the license agreement. The licenses are non-transferable. Yes, you can resell the licenses to your own customers inside your own managed network (just like DirectAdmin licenesing terms). You may not resell our licenses to customers that you do not host yourself on your own servers or datacenter.


We will use this forum thread as support as we believe this method has worked well in the past with other skin developers. Anyupgrades will need to be downloaded from our client area at cyberneticos.com


We are no longer offering free beta-testing licences.


We would like to say thanks to everyone who has helped us testing CyberAdmin, and also would like to pay respects to past skin developers, specially Walo, becuase without their work and their involvment with Directadmin, perhaps our job would have been more difficult :)


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i would be interested on testing this Skin, and actually i do already have some questions:

What kind of pricing will you have? Monthly or also lifetime version?
Is in plan to translate it in other language?
Does you use default DirectAdmin's skin language template or a custom one?
Interested in partnership for translations?

Best regards
i have a idling DA box here , i would it test it too, looks really cool :)
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I want ;-)

Me too, i'd like to test a free version of the skin.
I too would be Very Interested... Very nice 1st impression :)
seeing it in action would make my day....
perhaps I should be a little more clear :)
I would Love to beta test :) :) :)
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WOW! I will be very happy to be a tester for this new theme!

I can translate the skin in french if you want. Just sent me a PM.

Hello Sellerone!

Awesome! I will PM you so we can come to an agreement :)

Molto grazie!


i would be interested on testing this Skin, and actually i do already have some questions:

What kind of pricing will you have? Monthly or also lifetime version?
Is in plan to translate it in other language?
Does you use default DirectAdmin's skin language template or a custom one?
Interested in partnership for translations?

Best regards
Hello Webaltern!

Excellent! I would love to count with your translation. I will PM you so we can get an agreement going that works for both of us.

This is great guys !!

WOW! I will be very happy to be a tester for this new theme!

I can translate the skin in french if you want. Just sent me a PM.

Thanks to everyone interested!

I will PM everyone individually so we can get the licenses out to you and so you can start testing CyberAdmin. The skin is already very stable, we've been testing it for a year, so there shouldn't be any mayor issues. But we owe it to the community to test it out thoroughly.

Thank you all!
Hello everyone, perhaps by the end of the day I'll have our first beta release ready. Again, keep in mind that we've been doing testing for oever a year. There should not be any issues. Refrain from using it in production. We owe it to our customers to test this thoroughly.

Thanks !
Thank you, looking forward to the skin. :)
you say ""Refrain from using it in production""
and what, take all the fun out of it? lol:rolleyes:
seriously, cant wait to see it "Live"

Hello everyone, perhaps by the end of the day I'll have our first beta release ready. Again, keep in mind that we've been doing testing for oever a year. There should not be any issues. Refrain from using it in production. We owe it to our customers to test this thoroughly.

Thanks !
Hahaha good one :) You can use it in production. The nature of DirectAdmin skins makes it pretty safe to use even if there is a bug in the skin. We're confident it's stable to use in production, but we owe it to our customers to test it out a bit first :)

Almost done guys, in a few hours I'll post a link for everyone privatly so you can get your free copies.

We already have English and Spanish translated. We're working on Italian and French. If you are fluent or native in any other languages or main dialects, send us a PM and we will work out a deal :)

could you use Romanian?
I have a dear friend in Romania that I have known and worked with since 2000, he is a server man that specializes in sql , Im sure he would be more than happy to do a translation,.... back in 2005? I think, when we found DA, we were both impressed and setup 2 servers using DA:)
¡Of course!

Keep in mind it's a lot of work to translate :) I would be delighted. I'll be sure to give him free licenses for his work as well.

Thanks ;)
Esta muy bueno, utilizo direcadmin y me interesaría utilizarlo en un servidor, me gustaría probarlo y ayudarlos con el test
