disk and bandwidth usage not incremented


Verified User
Sep 13, 2005
Created a new user account and the db disk and bw usage are all just sitting at 0. this just started now other accts are not having this issue any ideas?
There maybe a bit more to this. A co admin had assigned the domain name associated with this new acct, with another user who has since been deleted. In any event when the acct was created with aforementioned domain name it was not added in the DNS administration area like it typically would be. And trying to add it manually produces and error.
I doubt your first issue is related to your DNS problem unless DirectAdmin totally botched that accounts creationg.

Disk usage is gotten directly from the system quota now and bandwidth usage is calculated from logs, both during the tally. Has more than 24 hours passed since the accounts were created?(To allow the tally to run).

Does running the tally manually update the statistics... for any accounts?

Also, what Operating system and version of DirectAdmina are you running?
Thank you for the reply jmstacey. It runs on Linux (Fedora), I actually got the problem sorted, although I am still not 100% on what caused it to happen.

Server Version 1.26.0

I think maybe DA did botch the acct creation. I removed the 2 associated accounts entirely, checking first to make sure the zones were indeed gone from named.conf and then I recreated the whole works and everything is fine now.

I guess it will be mystery :)

Thanks again for responding though.