Disk quota exceeds on users with suspend at limit on.


Verified User
Jul 8, 2007
When creating a account for user x with a disk limit of 100MB with limited bandwidth , limited email accounts etc.
With suspend at limit on.
The user still can exceed his limit...

I have a user that exceeds his limit with 50mb and stil hassent been suspended.

When examining what is taking so much space , i found out his domains have only 54 mb space , mysql is also taking about 15mb , but 2 emailaccounts on 1 of the domains is using +80mb space...

How come that that user still can recieve email and that the acoount is using more and more space each day without being auto suspended ?

Is there a way to fix this so the user can take only his diskquota given like 100mb and email / mysql / webfiles togetther cant exceed this ?
My recollection is that account is only suspended by DirectAdmin software for exceeding data transfer/bandwidth.

To suspend based on disk usage you need to have system quotas turned on for the drive on which the data is held.

To see all user files:
# find / -user USERNAME