Verified User
I have a user who was using approx 50mb disk space, he then deleted most of his unnecessary files and his diskspace was down to 2mb.
However DA still said on his user page that he was using 50mb.
Am I right in thinking this value on his user homepage gets updated when the cron job runs at 00:10 or around that time?
And futhermore if the user wants this figure to be updated before then they must go to the stats sections and click 'Total Disk Usage (meg) "Update" '
I have a user who was using approx 50mb disk space, he then deleted most of his unnecessary files and his diskspace was down to 2mb.
However DA still said on his user page that he was using 50mb.
Am I right in thinking this value on his user homepage gets updated when the cron job runs at 00:10 or around that time?
And futhermore if the user wants this figure to be updated before then they must go to the stats sections and click 'Total Disk Usage (meg) "Update" '