disk space used not correct?


Verified User
Jul 29, 2003
i have a user with a phpbb forum with a pretty large mysql database

The phpbb forum dir is around 3.5 mb, database, when dled as backup and unpacked, is around 9 mb.
When i check the total disk space used, he is currently at 39 mb used??? How is that possible? I know its corrected once every 24 hours, but i waited 2 days to post this, and its still the same

No, theres no email and no backups in the dir :confused:
There were some issues mentioned in another thread where backups were not including database backups, maybe this could be the difference ?

Try re-running the quotacheck program to ensure that the system quotas are being recorded correctly.
repquota -a
to check the current quota (what the quota system *thinks* everyone is using.

To update it, run:
/sbin/quotaoff -a;
/sbin/quotacheck -augm;
/sbin/quotaon -a;
and then to re-run the nightly tally, run:
echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Then re-run the "repquota -a" to see if it fixed it.

It's also possible that it could be email usage, so have a look to make sure that isn't eating up the disk usage.

can i do that as reseller?

login as: sander
Sent username "sander"
sander@www.xxx.'s password:
Last login: Thu Dec 18 16:04:41 2003 from xxxx-mx.xdsl.xxx.
[sander@ns sander]$ repquota -a
bash: repquota: command not found
[sander@ns sander]$

its not email, cause the domain hasn't even been resolved, and email hasn't been set
sander815 said:
can i do that as reseller?

login as: sander
Sent username "sander"
sander@www.xxx.'s password:
Last login: Thu Dec 18 16:04:41 2003 from xxxx-mx.xdsl.xxx.
[sander@ns sander]$ repquota -a
bash: repquota: command not found
[sander@ns sander]$

its not email, cause the domain hasn't even been resolved, and email hasn't been set

Need to do it as root.

phriendly-Mark said:
he is a "reseller" not an "admin" cant use root silly :P

Either way it needs to be done as root, whether he is an admin reseller or end user does not matter! its a simple fact :p

If you are a reseller / end user you will need to contact your host to have quotas updated in that way.

it has been done, but still 37 mb in use
i don't really care about is, but find it strange its that big

when i dl a full backup, its, incl sql dbase, 10 mb....and theres no email
Was the nightly tally re-run? Remember that what you see in DA doesn't get changed until the tally is run.

yes, its been a couple of days since its done
disk usage is also changing as the db grows.

Maybe it gets counted twice or so?
I'll just give you the things that DA uses to count the disk usage:

1) repquota / (or /home) and it uses the data from the first column for the appropriate name.

2) database total = adds all the directories in /var/lib/mysql where the directories match "username_*"

3) email total = /var/spool/mail/username + /var/spool/virtual/domain.com/*

It's recounted each tally.. so it has to be coming from one of those. Just go through manually and see where the data is coming from.
