disk space


Verified User
Jan 24, 2004
Hi all

My problm is that I have used about 300 megs of disc space but in me reseller stats it says 1400 megs

any ideas

Have you previously had that amount of data and removed it - DA only tallies every 24 hours so if you have deleted 1100 megs since the last tally - your reason is there :)

I havnt - no

but prowebspace have just restored my entire set of sites after server problem.

wonder if that has anything to do with it
ProWebUK said:
Have you previously had that amount of data and removed it - DA only tallies every 24 hours so if you have deleted 1100 megs since the last tally - your reason is there :)


I wrote something about this one earlier, it's on all levels...

If a user with usernumber, let's say 234 has 20 GB's of stuff sitting on a server, but without this user being a real valid user, so no /etc/passwd entry. And a admin/reseller creates a new user which per accident gets user number 234 (since it's the logical number to use after user 233 has been created earlier), DA will read those 20GB of things belonging to the new user.

So, if it's really this problem, the system admin should take a look at all the files 'belonging to the user' to check if they indeed are files of the user.

Note that waiting on a retally most likely is a better option to see if anything has been changed already.
I have pointed the admins to this thread in the hope to reslove

I have noticed when logging into one of my accounts from the resller panel that the disk usage next to the webalizer stats seems correct and the the total disk usage seems to be 3 to 4 times over what it should be.

Is it me??? or is it a bug??? or possibly the above posts problem?
