I've been digging through the forums and DA documentation without any luck. I've tried all the fixes that I can find, but nothing seems to work.
Listing users in DA displays an incorrect disk usage value. It's way below what it should be. Let's look at my user "s" in DA:
It looks like DA is only using email & database to calculate disk usage. Has anyone seen this? Is there a fix for this?
Listing users in DA displays an incorrect disk usage value. It's way below what it should be. Let's look at my user "s" in DA:
- /CMD_USER_SHOW, it shows 59.2 / 1000000 email & database usage only
- /CMD_SHOW_USER?user=s under domains it shows 26754.8 this isn't included in the total count
It looks like DA is only using email & database to calculate disk usage. Has anyone seen this? Is there a fix for this?
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