Disk usage does not shows the correct values


Verified User
Mar 12, 2007
When I view the show "all users option",
the disk usage is showing all wrong values.
The usage is much too low.

some are below 1 MB
some shows around 10MB usage.

Quota is setup right, there are no problems with quota.
/usr/sbin/repquota /
Repquota shows 349.268 MB usage
While DA shows 1.92 MB usage (for the same user)

Also the total usage stats on the right side of the start screen is not correct.
Those are much too high then it is in reality.
I am using version 1.29.7
Disk usage is only updated each time DA runs the tally command. Usually this is setup once a day in cron:

10 0 * * * root echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

At 12:10am it will tally bandwidth and disk usage every day. (Atleast I believe it tallies disk usage along with the bandwidth. If I'm not right someone please correct me)
I am sure thats not the problem.
1. There is an update button to update the stats manually
when I push that one, nothing changes ..
2. The usage bug is there already couple of days before the update release to 1.29.7
(I updated from 1.29.6)

BTW.: the bug first showed up by one user, other users weren't affected, now couple days later, everyone had the same usage bug.
I took a screen.

fixed the problem
mkdir /home/tmp
chmod 1777 /home/tmp

did the trick

I probably deleted the tmp directory :D



  • DAdiskusage.gif
    19.4 KB · Views: 352
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I'm having the same problem..

I just noticed that I'm having the same problem.. A few of domains in my server have the problem.. They are using a few space, around 20MB and email just 10MB, but in control panel appears 200MB usage..

It does affect one of a reseller on the server, until he could not create a new domain because of space limit, but he actually just using a small amount of space..

Please help..