Disk Usage not adding up??


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
I would appreciate some help in understanding this please. I have several users on my DA website whose Disk Usage calculations don't add up. For example, one user under statistics says that the Disk Usage is at 2199 MB. When I look at the amount of email and bandwidth it is negligable. However, when I look at the details it says "system quotas".

What does this mean. There are no backups stored, all email folders deleted and the files within public_html total approximately 32 MB. The DB storage space is almost non-existant.

Under "system quotas" are counted all files and directories owned by the user within one partition which is considered by Directadmin as one where homedirs are located.

So if you've got a single root partition on your HDD (i.e. /) with enabled system quotas, sizes of all files (even located out of /home/ or /usr/home/) will be added and counted under "system quotas". To find all files owned by a user, use this:

find / -user username

Note, it might take time to finish the task and in some cases it might raise your server LA.

To save results into a file and see the process you might want to use this:

find / -user username | ~/results.txt

Replace username in both examples with your real user's name.