Display problems under Mozilla/Opera (linux)


Verified User
Jul 1, 2004
I have been comparing DirectAdmin with Plesk for the past week or so, and I have noticed that under linux when I use either Mozilla or Opera, the web interface doesn't come up correctly. Specifically the column on the right that contains bandwidth information and such does not stay where I presume it is intended... Hence, when a wide table is displayed in the main portion of the interface, it causes the right hand column to be pushed off of its background... Since the text is white, and the far outside border of the site is also white, it makes it incredibly hard to read and looks very bad. It DOES display correctly under Konqueror on the same machine...

Anyone else have a similar problem before?

I also find it somewhat discouraging that when I just tried to call DirectAdmin's number, I got a fast busy signal, not the "normal" busy signal... Fast busy's in this area generally mean Bad Things (tm)... Did the company change its number or something?
Thank you for replying to me about the display layout problems. It's good to know that they are known and are being worked on!
