DMARC: DA notification emails fail


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
London UK
So, as I still have my business domain as hostname, I thought I would change from p=none to p=fail.....

FYI, I use Cloudflare DNS

Anyway, after I changed it, I failed to receive DA's notification emails........... Going through the exim's mainlog and found they were failing DMARC...

Not sure what is wrong, DKIM & SPF pass.

Has anyone else run into this issue before?

business domain as hostname
Exactly how do you mean this.
Like = also hostname -> Expect problems
Like = as hostname -> Did you use the exim adjustment for dkim via hostname stated somewhere on this forum?
I use the last method....... I thought I set up DKIM for it ages ago, however, just checked named/bind - an SPF record was there but no DKIM. Just created DKIM for it, and now I see it.

I checked old emails and it states spf=none in the headers........

I have just resent a welcome email to a GSuite (or whatever it is now) email, and :
       dkim=temperror (no key for signature) [email protected] header.s=x header.b="U/Xl8qhy";
       spf=pass ( domain of accounts[@] designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=accounts[@];
       dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE)

Bit dubious about the DKIM temperror
Bit dubious about the DKIM temperror
I presume you copied your DKIM key to your Cloudflare and not proxied it, right?
Maybe it's just a sync time issue. Lets's wait and see.

Just to be sure... at this moment I don't see any SPF or DKIM for your hostname. I would at least provide an SPF record for the hostname.
But I do find a DMARC record for the hostname. So it's either synchronisation issue or configuration error.

I do not understand why there's no SPF & DKIM for the hostname - I mean, I thought adding them just for the main domain would cover any "sub-domains"?
I mean, I thought adding them just for the main domain would cover any "sub-domains"?
By the hostname I mean, that is a hostname, that does not have subdomains.
This does have a DMARC record, which won't work as DMARC should check SPF and DKIM, which both are not present.

What you show me in your screenshots is your domain name, not your host name.
So, I've added all the required records for the hostname (servervps.) in Cloudflare and local named,I hope...

What I did find is 2 DKIM records locally (🤷🏻‍♂️) for my main domain - both didn't match my Cloudflare record - so I removed both records, removed dkim keys in /etc/virtual/, then regenerated them.

However, still getting temperror for DKIM when sending a welcome email....
dkim=temperror (no key for signature) [email protected]
SPF & DMARC pass.

I guess I'll need to wait until I get a system email from DA to see if my hostname records are fine....
Welcome e-mails are send from the hostname, right? Or from admin email, I'm not sure anymore.
Admin & Reseller email addresses......

Only DA's Message & Ticket systems use the hostname (eg. root@hostname).

Maybe if we could configure the From address of the system emails, it would help?

Then again, if DA would implement a 'Send via SMTP' option, it would, sort of, solve this?....... This got asked years ago, so, doubt it.
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Admin & Reseller email addresses......
Oke so that would mean the temperror is on your main domain's DKIM.

What I did find is 2 DKIM records locally (🤷🏻‍♂️) for my main domain - both didn't match my Cloudflare record - so I removed both records, removed dkim keys in /etc/virtual/, then regenerated them.
Well that's something you only can check yourself. I can only check what Cloudflare is presenting.

I hope you copied the regenerated dkim key to Cloudflare .:)
Well, all that was a waste of time..... Giving up......

Backup notification:
       dkim=temperror (no key for signature) [email protected] header.s=x header.b=HgNRi0Gw;
       spf=pass ( domain of root[@] designates as permitted sender) [email protected];
       dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE)
I'm perplexed.....
There you go... dkim temperror from the hostname.

Let me check.
Hmmz... odd, SPF and DKIM is also good.

Ah wait...
dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE)
This is an issue. Seems SPF and DKIM is taken from the hostname, but DMARC is taken from the domain name instead of hostname.
Which is normal but will cause this problem. As that DMARC will check the SPF and DKIM from the domain, not from the hostname if I'm correct.

That is why I never use DMARC on my hostname record and the domain used for the hostname, to prevent this issue.

However, this still does not explain the temperror as both hostname and domain has a key present. Provided you have copied them correctly to Cloudflare.

Goes too far for me and I don't use Cloudflare. Maybe @mxroute as one of the mail specialist has an idea about this cause if he has time.
Ok, noticed something.......

The system emails (tickets, messages) have the Return-Path: as<root@hostame>and the sender address as the domain name (as configured for admin/reseller).....


The welcome emails have the Return-Path: as<domainname>and the sender address as the domain name (as configured for admin/reseller).....

This has to be why DKIM/DMARC fails for system emails, right? Then again, SPF pass with both.