Verified User
I have a DirectAdmin server with user accounts that host identical software with identical configuration, all managed by me. Users have no access to technical settings or DirectAdmin. The software sends e-mail via a PHP script.
For most of the users, everything is perfectly fine; 10/10 from mail-tester without any additional comments, so SPF, DKIM and DMARC is as it should be.
For only some users, I get also a 10/10 from mail-tester but with the comment that DMARC is not aligned, and some e-mail providers don't like that of course...
Headers in e-mails from user accounts that are perfectly fine:
Return-Path: username@user-domain.ext
envelope-from: <username@user-domain.ext>
From: Name of the sender <something@user-domain.ext>
Headers in e-mails from user accounts with the DMARC align problem:
Return-Path: username@server-domain.ext
envelope-from: <username@server-domain.ext>
From: Name of the sender <something@user-domain.ext>
I can't find any differences in configuration.
The only thing I can think of, is that I once changed the username of at least one of the users that has the problem. (Maybe all, but I don't remember if I also changed the other usernames that have the problem also on that server.)
Any clues please?
Best regards
I have a DirectAdmin server with user accounts that host identical software with identical configuration, all managed by me. Users have no access to technical settings or DirectAdmin. The software sends e-mail via a PHP script.
For most of the users, everything is perfectly fine; 10/10 from mail-tester without any additional comments, so SPF, DKIM and DMARC is as it should be.
For only some users, I get also a 10/10 from mail-tester but with the comment that DMARC is not aligned, and some e-mail providers don't like that of course...
Headers in e-mails from user accounts that are perfectly fine:
Return-Path: username@user-domain.ext
envelope-from: <username@user-domain.ext>
From: Name of the sender <something@user-domain.ext>
Headers in e-mails from user accounts with the DMARC align problem:
Return-Path: username@server-domain.ext
envelope-from: <username@server-domain.ext>
From: Name of the sender <something@user-domain.ext>
I can't find any differences in configuration.
The only thing I can think of, is that I once changed the username of at least one of the users that has the problem. (Maybe all, but I don't remember if I also changed the other usernames that have the problem also on that server.)
Any clues please?
Best regards