DNS after update DA


Verified User
Jan 8, 2004
Is there something changed in the named.conf or something since the latest two updates from DA?

My 3rd nameserver (external) won't update now. Also the registar gives a connection refused ?!

No, we havn't touched the templates for quite some time. Checkout www.dnsreport.com for dns debugging.

Also, try:
dig domain.com @yournameserver
to explicitly query your server to make sure that it's setup correctly. If it is, then the issue would be with the registrar and pointing the ns's to the right IPs.

Well ... after I sent a support request (I was totally going nuts) I read the mail about me thinking the update was messing up KISS because when I wanted to stop KISS I got:

/usr/bin/kiss: line 1: ifconfig: command not found
Could not determine MAIN_IP. Firewall script aborted!

So after sending the mail I have read it again and then I (finally) saw it. I suppose the path to /sbin/ was gone (for some reason) so KISS couldn locate ifconfig (doh, reading is difficult).

So thank you for your time. Now I'm going to be ahamed for a whilte. :o