DNS and Imapd


Verified User
Jan 9, 2006
I restarted my server and now squirrelmail says it cant connect to imapd. So I sshed into my computer and ran 'imapd', but that didnt fix anything. Also, I ordered a new IP for my server to use as my second nameserver, but DNS Report says it times out. What can I do?
You don't get any output when trying to start imapd from the command line, not even the starting message?

Did you configure your IP and netmask on the IP Management page of DirectAdmin? (admin level)
I get this output when running imapd from the command line:
* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 LOGIN-REFERRALS AUTH=LOGIN] turbinx.com IMAP4rev1 2003.339 at Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:23:04 -0500 (EST)

Yes I setup my new ip in the IP Manager thing. I set its netmask and everything.
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The DA version of imapd should be started via inetd. If you are on a Redhat system, they use xinetd and you need to change the setting in /etc/xinetd.c/imapd from disabled to enabled. I don't remember the exact syntax, but if you open that file you will see what I mean. Once you have done that, you need to restart xinetd, you do that via kill -HUP ${xinetd_pid} or I believe you can do an '/etc/init.d/xinetd restart' and that should do the same thing.

If your imapd is already setup in xinetd, then you have to look at the possibility of a firewall blocking port 143.
I dont have an imapd file under /etc/xinet.d. Could you supply me with one?
Ok that worked, but when I was editing xinetd, I noticed I had popa3d running on xinetd. Should I remove this if I can just use vm-pop3d?
Just because the file is there doesn't mean that it is enabled. You have to look in that file and see if it has been disabled. If it says disable=yes, then don't worry it won't be running.