DNS: auto append period (.)

I will second that

Seems like a bit of basic string handling after the DNS editor form is posted could take care of that one quite easily.
How would DA know when to add or not add the period?
If there is a dot in the body of the text, then run the function to add a dot at the end (if one is not there already)


if you enter

it becomes

if you enter

then it is left "as is"
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But if you want a sub-sub-domain? A fourth-level domain? Like new.dev.server.com? At the moment that's very well possible by adding "new.dev" as an A-record to domain server.com. If you decide to automatically add a dot when the body of the text contains a dot, this won't be that easy anymore..

I believe that there are two choices:
1) Leave it as it is. If you really want to do manual DNS editing you'll have to know what you're doing. I think this is the best option.
2) Really create a "newbie"-DNS-editing thingy. Create a wizard-like interface that allows you to choose between "add a subdomain DNS record" and "add a root DNS record" and then guides you through the complete process (and also lets you choose between IP-addresses or hostnames etc.).

I think "we" should stick to option 1 and focus on more important issues ;)
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