DNS Issues


Verified User
Jan 6, 2004
New York
Hello All,

I have a new server with Direct Admin installed. I currently have two other servers that handle dns for my domain.

How do I add domains to the direct admin server if my DNS is on another machine?

Also If I was to move DNS to the DirectAdmin server how can I create domains that are hosted on another server? When I create domains in DirectAdmin it sets everything up on the local machine, would I have to edit dns by hand on the DirectAdmin server?


DirectAdmin is currently designed as a one machine system. We are in the process of desgining/developing a multi server system, which supports that type of functionality, but it won't be available for a while. At the moment, if you have multiple dns machines, you'll either have to setup a script copier with cron, or manually add them for each domain.

For transferring a domain to DA, just create the domain, and then change the nameservers at your registrar's to point to the nameservers on the DirectAdmin machine.

Maybe I phrased it wrong, I want to use the DA server as Primary DNS, however I have sites on several servers. How can I add a site/domain to DA and then make it point to the other server? Do I do this manually in the DNS administration? If so does it still create an account on the DA server? If it does then do I just leave it alone and not use it???


Yes, to just setup the DNS for another server ON the DA server, you'd just add it through the DNS Admin. It wont create any accounts. It will just add the record to /etc/named.conf and create /var/named/domain.com.db
