DNS not working


Verified User
Mar 8, 2004
--SOLVED-- DNS not working

I have had to change the IPs on my server. I used the script from this site, and all the IPs were changed succesfully. I had some problems with the license, which were sorted out.

When I go into IP manager, I have two ips set as nameservers. These were the two that i chose when running the script to switch ips. No new domains have been added. Am i missing something?

These two IPs show up as

Status = free
Reseller= admin
User = (blank)
Nameserver = (blank)

Everything was working fine BEFORE the IP change. I can access the sites by ip/~user , but the names do not resolve, and the pinging the nameservers gives the ip address used previously. Anyone have any ideas???
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You can try:

dig domain.com @localhost

from the machine hosting the domains to see if it's setup correctly on the box. Failing that, you may need to change the dns servers at your domain registrar to have the correct ips.

www.dnsreport.com might help you out.
