DNS Server Catch 22 ??


Verified User
May 4, 2004
I know this is a stupid question, but I am wondering something about setting up your DNS Servers. Lets say you are the reseller and your domain is joeshosting.com. And you want to host the DNS for your website and all of your hosting customer's websites. Here's what I am wondering:

If your server is going to be resolving the names ns1.joeshosting.com and ns2.joeshosting.com to ip addresses, how will your domain name registrar be able to resolve those names. Because the domain registrars DNS control panel will only let you enter the names of the DNS servers and not the IP addresses. So, the registrar tries to resolve the name ns1.joeshosting.com, but ns1.joeshosting.com is the server that needs to be doing the resolving because it is hosting the DNS for the joeshosting.com domain so it will never get resolved. How can a DNS server resolve itself? Do you see where the Catch 22 is that I'm wondering about? Please explain this issue. Keep in mind that I am a COMPLETE DNS newbie. I will be setting up a hosting server soon with DA on it and this question has been bothering me.

If your domain register is 1and1, i suggest u move to another register like namecheap or godaddy for the easiest approach to this. 1and1 doesnt allow you to register nameserver.
Like Mystical said, if your domain is joehosting.com, you need to register this domain as a nameserver at the registrar. You need to look for a link called "register DNS" on their website. Register ns1.joehosting.com and ns2.joehosting.com. This may take a few days to take effect.

Then point the name server to the new IPs. You will need 2 IP addresses, one for ns1 and ns2. Then wait a day or so and it should propogate through.