DNS Updates


Verified User
Jul 18, 2003
Just wondering, once you change anything to any dns record it updates the zone file? Someone was updating the zones on one of our server and he made a mistake. He fixed it a few seconds later but in the interim one of the secondary dns server polled the file and grabbed a new copy. It caused a little problem for anyone that happened to poll that dns server for a little while because it had bad data...we can purge it easy enough but it may be a good idea to let us in some future release modify the dns then submit it for changes?

Well, each time you make a change the serial # is increased and named is reloaded, so after that it's just upto the other nameserver to get the new data. So bascially you want the DA to tell the other server to reload the new data? (not sure how that would work, not too farmiliar with that funtionality in named)

I might not have been clear, possibly in the future we could store the data in some memory and it would write after we hit submit. Before that you can make all the changes w/o causing the serial # to increase, this way as you are making changes you don't accidently update your secondary servers.

Make sence?

I understand you now. Might be difficult as everything done through DA is a "one shot" deal... meaning all tasks are executed with one request. The above would require more than one. We'll look into it, but I'm not sure it's high priority.

It's easy enough to do, John, but of course it has it's own possibility of error:

Just rewrite the zone files when individual lines are changed.

Have another button to "save" changes (i.e., sighup bind).

DirectAdmin Support said:
bascially you want the DA to tell the other server to reload the new data? (not sure how that would work, not too farmiliar with that funtionality in named)
It's called "NOTIFY" and it's built into all versions of bind after 8.0. My recollection is that it's on by default.

A search of the source code reveals there's a random delay between 5 seconds and 15 minutes, between the time zones are reloaded and the NOTIFY is sent out.


