Does DirectAdmin accept 64 character passwords?


Verified User
Apr 30, 2011
I am trying to hyper strengthen my passwords and thinking if DirectAdmin will allow 64 characters. Or is there any limit or buttleneck to using 64 character password?

OS is CentOS6
The following guidelines will help you to create a strong password:

Make the Password at Least Eight Characters Long — The longer the password, the better. If using MD5 passwords, it should be 15 characters or longer. With DES passwords, use the maximum length (eight characters).

Mix Upper and Lower Case Letters — Red Hat Enterprise Linux is case sensitive, so mix cases to enhance the strength of the password.

Mix Letters and Numbers — Adding numbers to passwords, especially when added to the middle (not just at the beginning or the end), can enhance password strength.

Include Non-Alphanumeric Characters — Special characters such as &, $, and > can greatly improve the strength of a password (this is not possible if using DES passwords).

Pick a Password You Can Remember — The best password in the world does little good if you cannot remember it; use acronyms or other mnemonic devices to aid in memorizing passwords.

Some newer OS's (Fedora 9) use SHA-512 by default. DA is often not compiled with support for SHA, so once a password is changed, DA calls the "passwd" program, which would set the new password into SHA-512. DA would then not be able to use it, and you wouldn't be able to login.

Not, sure how actual is this. Last Modified: Mar 19, 2009, 12:48 am. DA needs MD5. Since that no limits on system level should exist.

Admin Settings option to set how long random passwords will be.
Applies to all random password areas. (DA account creation, email, mysql, ftp, lost password reset, resend welcome message)

directadmin.conf option:

where 8 is the internal default.

p.s. Anyway you might want to try and update us with your findings.