Does it usually take some time to get Direct Admin?


New member
Sep 3, 2004
I bought a dedicated server from calpop couple days ago... They said it was done around noonish PST but they have been waiting for some Keys? or something from DirectAdmin so that they can install it. Does it usually take this long? Its almost 6 now.. so its been about 6 hours.

This question seems to come up every weekend; please consider looking through the archives :) .

Like the rest of us the DA staff needs to take some time off once in a while.

The keys are approved manually; after that everything is completely automatic.

I believe that somewhere on the DA website they say it could take up to two days to have the license key issued. Personally I've never had it take that long.

Since the keys are IP# specific most of us wait until we have a specific order before we buy licenses.
