domain alias - different ip address


New member
Feb 14, 2007

Can I have a domain alias and then do the following to it:
1) have its own email domain?
2) have its own ip address for its own ssl cert?
3) its own billing?

account accountA has the primary domain name as domainA. It has a static IP address.
I add domainB to accountA as an pointer alias. I want domainB to have the 3 things above separate from domainA.

I think I need to have these domains in the same account because domainB is actually using files and a database connection from the domainA. I want to have not just domainB, but 500 such domains, as part of my rapid development platform using Drupal multi-site.

Your help will be enormously appreciated. the Drupal folks don't know much about DirectAdmin and aren't able to help much.


Shahnawaz Khatri, CEO
Internet Marketing 4 Real Estate
You cannot have a domain alias do all that but you can setup extra domains in the User Level if your host allows it. Just login to DirectAdmin and at the User Level, click domain setup. Here you can add the domain and it will be under the same username, it just won't be an alias but will meet your requirements listed.
additional domain - same account

Hi Quackweb -

Thank you for your prompt reply. I had done what you suggested before but was not able to link the 2 domain structures together.

Here's th scenario:

There's a folder under domainA as follows:
I need to remove the current public_html in domainB and create a symbolic link as follows:
/home/accountA/domains/domainB/public_html. Here's how I did the symbolic link:
putty to the server, login as root, then su to accountA user.
Go to /home/accountA/domains/domainB
rm -Rf public_html
ln -s /home/accountA/domains/domainA/public_html/sites/domanB public_html

Now, I have some html files in the /home/accountA/domains/domainA/public_html/sites/domainB folder and I try to access them from the browser by going to the domainB, and it tells me - 403 - permission denied.

So, I agree with you, if I can have the accounts be independent, but under the same user, and be able to link files/databases within the different domains, then that'll be awesome. Even better would be if I could do that with totally separate accounts and their domains, but I understand the need for DirectAdmin to keep content from separate accounts separate.

Thanks again.

Shahnawaz Khatri, CEO
Internet Marketing 4 Real Estate
Yeah I don't think that is possible as each account has it's own user and group permissions. The only thing I can think of is if you absolutely need this and you are the system admin setting it up, chown everything in the two user's directories to apache:apache. I am not sure if it will work and allow the users to edit their files but you can give it a try. Anyone else have any ideas or solutions?