domain name change


Verified User
Oct 30, 2003

Is it possible to change the domain name on an account ?


I have a client that has all their site, databases etc setup, and they just want to change the domain name, do I really have to delete everything and recreate it all ??
You can manually change it in the apache config file. Or if it is just a domain change you can as it as a alias. In the Admin go to Custom httpd config and add this inside the VirtualHost container:

i need a way that the username stays the same but all e-mail etc would be correct for the new domain name :D
Here is how I did it!

1. Do a complete user backup.
2. Save the backup.tar.gz in the user's backup directory.
3. Delete the user's account.
4. Create the user's account using the same user name.
5. Do another complete backup.
6. Override the backup file in the user's backup directory with the one made earlier.
7. Change permissions on the file:
chown user:user backup.tar.gz
8. Do a complete restore.

This worked flawlessly for me me, but you might want to test it on a dummy account first.

As far as I know you don't even need to create a backup once you readded the user, you can just simply add the user with the same username and be done with it.
i need a way that the username stays the same but all e-mail etc would be correct for the new domain name

For that you could just create the new domain name, and then just copy all data from the /etc/virtual/* to /etc/virtual/*
