Domain not resolving


Verified User
Jan 4, 2004

Our main domain (nameserver) does not resolve for a minute and is then back again. This happens a few times a day.

So it is working normal and suddenly it is gone for a minute and comes back up.
At first i thougt a DNS problem at my providers side, but now i hear more customers their domain does not load for a minute.

What can cause this problem? :(
Do you have ns1 and ns2 pointing to the same server? This will cause the problem on an active server, because every time a change is made to DNS it stops and reloads everything. That's just one of the reasons you should have master and slave nameservers.

Hi Jeff,

Yes we have, but it always worked this way. On another production server the problem does not exist.
If you have both authoritative nameservers pointing to the same server, then when one isn't available, the other won't be either. There may be (but likely isn't) some other problem, but there's no way to trace it as long as both your authoritative nameservers point to the same server.
