Domains with "ñ"


Verified User
Feb 21, 2004
Im running Directadmin 1.33.4 on a CentOS 5 (Final).
# named -v
BIND 9.3.4-P1
# httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.63

I want to use domains with "ñ" (like MyÑ
I've created the domain in Directadmin normally, the DNS administration shows the right records and is showing me the right information (and the DNS are pointing to my server). All seems to be perfecty fine.

However nothing is working. I cant login on the webmail, the website doesnt work...
I was wondering what could be wrong... BIND supports domains with Ñ? The Directadmin? Apache? Exim? Something else?
Im a little lost here, please help me.

Thanks in advance.


PD: Sorry for my poor English, im from Argentina.

EDIT: I've notice in the logwatch of my server:
dns_rdata_fromtext: /var/named/MyÑ near 'hostmaster.MyÑ': bad name (check-names): 3 Time(s)
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According to wikipedia;
Registered domain names are restricted to using the same character set as all other hostnames, as such they typically can use only ASCII letters, numbers and the hyphen (-).
In other words Ñ is not allowed, only a-z ASCII.