'Dovecot currently down' but I dont want dovecot to run...


Verified User
Jun 30, 2015
On a webserver I have installed DA Custombuild en deactivated Dovecot.

I only want it to be a webserver with minor messaging features Exim can provide.

Still I get the message:
"The service 'dovecot' on server ws1.globalhardwaresolutions.com is currently down"

and another one:
"The service 'vm-pop3d' on server ws1.globalhardwaresolutions.com is currently down"

How to I find out what the reason of these messages is and can you help me to solve this?

run this:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set_service dovecot delete

that should stop warnings.
thank you for your reply zEitEr.

I still get the message about vm-pop3d. Can you tell me why I get this and how the get rid of it?
Ah, that seems to work too :) Thanks you very much Alex!

Can you tell me how this could happen? I want to understand these kind of situations better.
Check your history, I don't know who and what did on your server. Probably you tried to switch to Dovecot, or changed CustomBuild from 1.x to 2.x without running all the required commands.
Ah, that seems to work too :) Thanks you very much Alex!

Can you tell me how this could happen? I want to understand these kind of situations better.


Did these messages suddenly start, or is this a new server?

If it's a new server:
DirectAdmin default uses dovecot and vm-pop3d. As such, there is a built-in check to make sure those services are running, or to warn the admin when they are not.
So, if you didn't tell DirectAdmin to not check these services, those messages are normal.
