E-mail Password Too Short!


Verified User
Oct 19, 2007
Hi folks,

DirectAdmin will not allow you to create an e-mail account if the password for that desired account is shorter than 4 characters in length.

Some of my customers would like to have their e-mail passwords shorter than 4 characters - I don't know why, they just do!

I understand the security implications of reducing the password length, but...

Is there any way I can change the minimum accepted password length for the creation of new e-mail accounts??

I am looking forward to your replies...
No, but you can manually set the password to the short value if you want.
You'd crypt it in php. Type:
[server]# [b]/usr/local/bin/php[/b]
echo crypt("[b]short[/b]","anything");
then press ctrl-d once, then again if it doesnt quit.
The output will be the crypted password. "anything" can be anything, it's the hash used to scramble the password. "short" is the plaintext password to use.

Take the crypt, and place it in the 2nd column in the /etc/virtual/domain.com/passwd file.

Hi John,

Your solution works perfectly for my unique situation!!

Thank you for your professional service and speedy reply.