Each time adding new domain need to restart httpd and directadmin


New member
Apr 8, 2013
I installed directadmin yestday,but I got a problem,each time I added a new domain,I need to restart httpd and directadmin,otherwise it shows "Apache is functioning normally" instead of the files of the site.Can someone help me?

Directadmin is designed so that it restarts (or reloads) apache, every time when a new domain is added as well as on some other actions. If in your case apache is not restarted, then you should either investigate the issue and find reasons of such a behavior, or hire somebody to do that for you (I'm as well as others available for this kind of a job).

Did you check directadmin logs? How do you restart apache: in directadmin or in a shell?
otherwise it shows "Apache is functioning normally" instead of the files of the site
This mostly happens when the domain is not through DNS yet.
Are these new domains? If yes, then you have to wait a couple of hourse, before they will be resolved by all DNS servers and the files will become visible. You can't expect to register a new domain and have it visible on your server instantly, it always takes a couple of hours. Depending on your registrar and isp's it can become visible between 2-48 hours.
Same goes for domains which are moved from other servers to your server.