Edit httpd.conf -- NOT vhosts


Verified User
Feb 8, 2007
I'm a bit new to DA and I'm confused about httpd.conf customization. My main question is: If I edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, can I expect those changes to stick? Not modifying vhosts, just main configuration stuff (for example adding my own Alias directives).

Also, if someone could clarify the modification policies to me that would be awesome. What are these custom httpd.conf files I'm hearing about - per user? why? where? Why should I use the DA admin panel to modify a vhost instead of just doing it from the shell? What are these templates all about?

Finally, is there an overview document (such as a PDF manual) somewhere that gives a birdseye view of DA basics so I don't have to trawl the forums for every little question?

If I edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, can I expect those changes to stick? Not modifying vhosts, just main configuration stuff (for example adding my own Alias directives).
Also, if someone could clarify the modification policies to me that would be awesome. What are these custom httpd.conf files I'm hearing about - per user? why? where?
The actual include files are at:

The changes, created in DirectAdmin, are found at:

Changes you make yourself can be made to:
but they won't stick through various domain changes unless you chattr the files as immutable. If you do that I don't know how/if DA will return an error; I've never tried it so you do it at your own risk.

Alias directives are probably best added through the DA control panel or if applicable, through .htaccess.
Why should I use the DA admin panel to modify a vhost instead of just doing it from the shell?
To keep the control panel from getting out of sync with the actual files.
What are these templates all about?
They allow DA to keep a base configuration, and also to keep track of changes to that configuration.
Finally, is there an overview document (such as a PDF manual) somewhere that gives a birdseye view of DA basics so I don't have to trawl the forums for every little question?
Not really. There's the DirectAdmin knowledgebase, here, and the help system, here.
